What are partial dental implants?
Partial or Single Tooth Implant: If all you need is a single tooth replacement, the procedure will of course be less invasive. For one you will only need one fixture so there will be less stress on the jawbone and you. Here is the procedure. A hole is drilled for implant insertion. A titanium screw type device is placed in the above-mentioned hole. Healing time, the jawbone will heal and adhere to the implant. A device called an abutment is attached to the implant. A crown is placed on top of the abutment.
There are several dental insurance polices that offer discounts for dental implant procedures to help you reduce your cost. Before you purchase a dental plan be sure it will cover you. Call and ask. Then call the dental office and confirm they will do the implant. Sometimes you need to see a dental specialists and many of plans have restrictions, waiting periods, and limitations.